Hey folks,
I came across a new mindset of ideas for this site and the subdomain blog.gerardolegend.com tonight. I’m going to turn this site into a quick gallery of events, just like a blog but more general, while Blog.gerardolegend.com will again be my center for blogging everything once more as I’ll have twitter as my micro-updater embedded on to being the focal point to get more frequent data as I go with life twists.
This will unify both domains as one, and make things much easier for me to update more fluently.
That update will start late in October as it will take a lot of my creative juices to re-image everything and reorganize my data. It may even start in November, who knows! Because I feel October will be a really busy month for me since I first need to finish up on Mariolegend.com AND port my games and videos on to that site.
Dark Zeta development is happening for sure as I have new tools readily now. GridXross is being ported and enhanced with new gameplay mechanics as well in HTML5 that it’s mobile version never had. So that all will reflect back to here. Right now I’m making sure my bills are paid and I give ample time to my love ones first before going into my cave and start developing deeper into my projects.
Hopefully all products will be ready by January 2020 for Mariolegend.com. As for Dark Zeta, I’m pushing to get stuff done for it little by little, but hopefully much more fluent in developments as I go. If I get to 75% done next year, then I’ll have more of an idea when I’ll be done with it and post a release time for it. It will mainly start as a PC game, as before I was preparing it to be mobile, instead I’m going to focus on getting it ready for Windows PC. I have the tools for that to fast prototyping it and was looking into character creations speed up techniques like rigging and weight painting using a pro degree of quality and efficiency. I found a solution, but I’m learning how get an assembly way of doing it with many different characters I need to make out from it all.
To sum up my thoughts, everything will come together nicely in time. I wish I can get Dark Zeta out in 2020, at least get it at 90% done by this time next year, but it seems dire right now. I need more money and time to getting it there. What’s left now is a huge number of things, but I feel very confident now that I can, I just need help – thus more money to get some people to help me with content to double up the work.
But I’m confident I can do it on my own though.
With all that said, changes that are coming are good ones. I only ask for patience. If 2020 isn’t the year to show off, then 2021 will be then.